Power to the People

#MassCivilDisobedience is a must for a permanent occupy. Disruption plus numbers as Roger Hallam says. Since we face the loss of our stable habitat on which all modern civilization was built - calamity will only grow in the coming years. Our governments have broken their social contract and their plans will revolve around control and business as usual. We have to #Degrowth the rapacious corporate entrenched system of capitalism and build something different that services the masses and the planet's ecosystem as much as possible to save as many lives as possible in the coming chaos - food shortages , destructive climate events, floods, fires, displacement of millions of people .

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We need to put the people all together as one loud voice. That is where our power is bigger than their power. The power is there for us if we just pick it up and embrace it. That only needs us to unite as one loud voice. That's all it needs. Faith in each other to get the future we all want. 99% is the majority. Democracy is our power - if we want to accept it. But we need to rise up together or it cannot work for us. We need to occupy democracy

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Beautifully said! I agree!

Let's start by committing ourselves to share encouraging and kind words on Twitter and other social media with others. To look for the best in people and focus on creating circles of compassion rather than circles of argumentation. We are here to help and love each other not to judge and argue with each other.

Focus on what we want not what we don't want.

Focus on building not tearing down.

Build something so awesome the old systems will fall away in disuse. Disrupt the old power structures by sharing democratically our goals to build a supportive compassionate society!

Thank you for this great post.

Joe Segal

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Thank you so much Joe. Make sure to subscribe because this is not just a post. This is our movement. One mission: Unify ourselves into one loud voice and create the world we always wanted. Together we are strong. And together we chart our course. Democracy means majority. That's us. The 99%. We have the authority and can determine our future. But we have to go together. Love you man!!!

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