Aug 5, 2023Liked by The Permanent Occupy

I like where you're coming from with this piece. Practically speaking, what do you think would need to happen to make a West win possible?

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Coalitions across the board would do it. Across activist organizations covering various issued that are all being roadblocked at the same place. And engaging independent media outlets. The more we gather together, the brighter the light on the path shines. More is coming along those line in the next post. There is really nothing to convince people of - just to get them into the same place. That is what the 1% does not want to see happen - so we should make it happen!

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Aug 6, 2023Liked by The Permanent Occupy

How do you imagine reaching people who don't vote?

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We have to organize local groups. Town halls in every district.

Then outreach efforts can be done. No need to design them as there are already effective actions out there. For example, in Seattle with Kshama Sawant's local political and labor actions. They get it done. So expand it nationally. Outreach to disaffected voters has been their bread-and-better.

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Aug 1, 2023Liked by The Permanent Occupy

Thanks for the link you sent earlier today, Danny. Less than 12 hours and it says already expired, lol. But it isn't necessary. I'm on the app. Have been for awhile. All I have to do is come to the app when I see a Gmail I want to respond to, instead of trying to go through the Gmail, which doesn't work anymore. Google is crazy and my eternal archnemesis, lol. Chat at you soon. 👍♥️

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Google makes it difficult to access substack.

And Twitter suppresses its reach on its platform.

Substack has annoyed them. I have no idea why. Must have something to do with censoring.

I like substack more and more because they dont like it. :o)

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Jul 31, 2023Liked by The Permanent Occupy

Hey Danny. I'm just seeing this. I'll try to read it all tomorrow and post the type of comment it deserves.

I haven't had a chance to tell you lately how much I appreciate what you do, what with all the drama in the group. Just know that I do.

I hope Dr. West proves to be what you say cz I'd love to vote Green in 4 straight presidential elections. I know I WON'T vote D or R - NMW!! But I have to be satisfied there'll be no Nick Brana or Mises Caucus involvement in his campaign. And before that know that the Greens have held a fair and unbiased party primary, which would set them totally apart from D and R. All to be determined.

I don't know the future, but I hope to live to see the end of this dystopian garbage. Hasta mañana.

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Hi Gera - thank you for confidence in me.

As for Cornel West - I have a defined take on his candidacy. Let me try to sum it up. Cornel West has a 50+ year history of standing up for the poor and working classes. He is not going to toss that aside now ... for any bureaucratic structure or system. THe people he has already attracted to his campaign also have lengthy credible independent histories. Chris Hedges and Jill Stein are two examples. There is no reason to believe they will take any course other than the right one. ALso, Cornel West is 'lone wolf' for the most part. He has said his objective is a movement more than it is a candidacy. Meaning it will last beyond the election. Lastly, my impression is that his platform is basically to deliver power to the people. He is guided by the values of humanity - he is giving us the chance to unite for the power that standing together gives us. As far is those who are in the People's Party or even the Green Party are concerned, they will not alter his course. I believe in Dr West. I believe in his mission. And I believe in the positive energy that he and those that travel with him bring. This is the real deal. That is how I see it. More articles to come will flush this all out further. Peace.

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So frustrating that the Gmail that I received wouldn't take me straight to the app, where I have an account. Oh well. But if you could only see when you're writing that your optimism does have an effect on them. So I have faith in you because you have faith. You're genuine. You are the person who can start and lead a movement. 🔥 Back later. ♥️

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