Mar 13, 2023Liked by The Permanent Occupy

This did a great job of laying out the sentiment of millions in America, but don't know where to go or what to do. The analysis of what's going on is highlighted in a new angle, that, I think, most don't quantify but need to. Musk & Bezos are good examples in building communities around factories. America suffered from those before the labor movement!

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Gr8 document thus far. I enjoyed the Socratic dialog with(me) the reader. I'm fired up. Thanks for doing this work. It means alot to me & my only son.

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Thank you for the positive words Jay! Adds to my motivation to get to the keyboard. If we do not change things, what is the future outcome our kids will be facing? It frightens me. Time to wake up our neighbors because together we have all the power we need to change that outcome. It is waky waky time!

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Fantastic. The #BlueCrossMovement is that gathering point. Unity. Ownership. Symbiotic with Nature. Peace & Prosperity for All.

We can do anything we want, if we work together, so why not aim for the stars?! Time to raise the bar and quit settling for less.

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The stars is a good target to aim for.

We all have to go together and work with the tools we have available to us - democracy gives us those tools.

I am working on and writing out the details to light the path. Hopefully it comes together shortly. There are others moving forward too. We are all going to have to move everyone into a unified source of energy and power. We can do it.

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