Jun 9, 2023Liked by The Permanent Occupy

Right on! I suspect many climate activist & advocates feel the same way! The scientific community has been very clear, leadership (in most countries) has failed to move the score on emissions, time to remove leadership & take away the political power of the 1%!

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Yes, I know I am not alone on that conclusion. All climate actions have no impact because the politicians refuse to act. They are well aware of the issues and consequences - but outright refuse. They are the problem.

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Dec 12, 2022Liked by The Permanent Occupy

Thank you!

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My suspicion is that you and the rest of us are all experiencing symptoms of Respect Deficit Disorder.

This happens when as you were growing up, most of your spunk was kicked out of you by the people that said they loved you.

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I think the 1% have that background. It is their actions that have placed us in our predicament. Would we have to rise up if they respected democracy? I dont think so.

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Finally got around to reading this and love your change of direction. The 1% are indeed the reason for not advancing on climate change although the 10% (which includes most of us in the developed world) need to change our ways too.

One thing I would like to ask is what exactly is the intention here? You don't specify what you plan to do.

For me it has always been about degrowth. By avoiding purchasing/supporting, where possible, from the 1% I feel I make a difference. I also make sure the 1% realise what I'm doing and why. Amazon for instance. Bezo's is disgustingly wealthy and a narcissist as well.

Would enough of us doing the same work?

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Couple of comments:

1. The action is to grasp the authority given us by democracy itself and remove the 1% from currently running the show - who have no authority. Take it back to the people - remove these thieves - build anew. Putting into a book with a blueprint action plan. Work-in-progress

2. Climate. There is only one scoreboard that counts. Emissions go up vs emissions go down. They are not going down - so we are losing this war. The cause is not the people - but the same 1% listed above. We have to remove them and chart our own path. My focus is on the problem - which is the 1%. We have to win the emission war. (which will also win a lot of other wars on the justice, economic, and social fronts). The cause of all our problems, are in the same place. An unauthorized 1% running our democratic institutions. It is time to kick them out

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