Jun 9, 2023·edited Jun 9, 2023Liked by The Permanent Occupy

Wow, lots there! One of the biggest problems along with ballot access is that as a non-party, anyone can run as an independent. This kind of perceived freedom works against independents when multiple independent candidates are running for the same office. The independent vote becomes diluted.

And don't put it past the major parties, as an Indy candidate becomes viable they will use back channels to get a well known name or otherwise decent looking candidate to run in order to dilute the vote and greatly improve their candidate's chance of winning.

Unless we can come up with a workaround for this, it will be very limiting. Personally, I really like the idea of primaries, that is time for great debates and new ideas to come out.

I also think we could use STAR voting as a primary voting method. It is decentralized in tabulation and allows people to vote for all the candidates if they so desire.

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I think you missed the point on candidate selection (for the House and Senate specifically). Those attending the Town Hall can select their own candidates from among themselves. Doing it that way, they commit all their votes to who they select. They don't even have to wait until election day .... they can select their reps at any time and then just commit all their votes to those selections on election day. It's about creating voting blocs - which is organizing the voters and their votes - instead of waiting for political parties to thrust their candidates at them.

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Aug 21, 2023Liked by The Permanent Occupy

You will need a central organizing vehicle, these things will not self organize. What type of vehicle do you intend to use?

I'm certain before long, people will be calling it a Party wanna-be.

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Let people call it what they want. I like the Permanent Occupy myself. Occupy power - permanently. People Power.

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