Nov 12, 2023Liked by The Permanent Occupy

Wonderful, thank you!

[The post is unnecessarily long and a bit redundant and that may be a hurdle in getting others to read it, particularly given the short attention spans of many in our modern era; ChatGPT can probably condense it quickly without compromising the content].

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Thanks. Yes, my posts can get lengthy at times. I will try to whittle them down some in the future!

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poor writing is a reflection of poor ideas.

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To begin with, I would like to suggest the Town Hall be an online platform. This will ensure that when the powers that be come for us (and they will, guaranteed, if we start to gain traction), many will remain free to raise the alarm. Also, the number 435 seems arbitrary. It essentially means each community would number between 700k-800k. A larger number of communities seems more optimal to me.Y'all may be interested in examining the work of Adolph Reed in re: economic justice and equality as well. THAT is how you stick it to the 1%. When their money is meaningless they will have no power.

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Hi Jeremy,

1. 435 is not arbitrary at all. It is how many House districts there are. We start organizing them all. Our target is 435. We can move up ballot and down ballot from there. From Dog Catcher to POTUS. Its just practical. (and recommended by Ralph Nader).

2. All the power goes to the people. There is nobody for the 1% to go after. It's everybody which they are already doing with or without us. We did not start this class war ... the 1% did.

3. An online platform for this. Absolutely 100%. It is completely doable. We are already into design ... going to need to get some funding but that is exactly how we extend the reach. Until we have that in place, we have to go with what we got. The key is to simply start organizing - we can do everything if we are organized because then the people have all the power to do absolutely everything.

4. It is not just about economic justice. It is about equity, fairness, inclusiveness. It is about building communities. Money cannot buy that. Unity can.

I appreciate your comments. We launch on Tuesday. More details will be posted in our first newsletter release. Thank you.

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