We need you! You need us! We need us!

On September 17, 2011, Occupy Wall Street sparked into existence.  It occupied the space of Zuccotti Park in the financial district of New York City.  It started small - but it was persistent.  Soon, more joined in.  And then more.  And it spread across the country and across the globe.

The majority - “the 99%” - rose up to declare their authority of democratic power to redress the oppressive actions and societal direction that the corporate elite ruling class - “the 1%” - were wielding over us.   

Just after midnight on November 15, 2011 the NYPD showed up in riot gear and began removing protesters from the park - arresting some 200 people including a number of journalists in the process. Although a few direct actions followed, that effectively snuffed out the Occupy Movement.

But it didn’t.  Every demand of the Occupy Movement remains unresolved - in fact, the very things that Occupy rose up against have deteriorated even further. 

And - with all of us together and united - we have the power to resolve it all. Democracy grants power and authority to the majority. The majority owns democracy. Only the majority charts the direction that our societies, our communities, and our lives take.  We are the 99%. We are the majority. And that gives us the power and the authority to decide our futures. It is time we unite and assert our authority.

Civic responsibility is the life-blood of democracy. People banding together in their communities to chart the direction of their communities. Failure to assert our power as a united community collapses democracy and its power. Democracy without civic engagement can be taken by an unscrupulous few. We were even warned of this threat by George Washington in 1796. Snooze and we lose. We slept.

We fell asleep and let the nefarious forces - the 1% corporate elite - set the course and direction of our lives. We clearly see the consequences; and they are dire and dark. It is time we engage with each other. It is time we take our civic responsibility. It is time for us to all wake up and unite with each other. It is time to permanently occupy our democracy and bring it back to life!

There is no doubt about it: The Occupy Movement is still very much alive.  And it is time for its formal and emphatic revival.  This is the perfect and necessary time for a revival.  This is the right time for the Occupy Movement to once again rise up.  But this time - to insist on the demands being met.  It is time for The Permanent Occupy.

Join us. We need you; you need us; we need us. Democracy demands it - and it will empower us.

Embrace Each Other

The Permanent Occupy is all of us. We all have a voice and every voice gets heard. The majority of us decide what our futures hold and where our futures lead. Uniting ourselves is the key. The majority of us has the authority and the power.

The only voice that counts is the majority of us - that is how democracy works. Unity is the key.

What is required of you? That is up to you! We need those that can organize and actively engage. We need those that will organize actions and we need those that will amplify our actions. We need those that will bring more of us together. The only requirement that democracy requires is that we come together. Yes, many will organize and participate. But behind our success, we also need public opinion to support us.

Be as active as you are comfortable with. Join working groups. Create a working group. Join local actions. Organize a local action. Join your local community to add your voice to those of your neighbours. Or - just be there to support those of us taking direct action. We all need each other - only by a united community do we engage the power and authority to set our future. Everybody counts.

Be compassionate. Be civil. Allow constructive discussion and respectful debate. Only by division can we lose our power and authority. Only by uniting can we engage our power and authority. Embrace each other for the world we all want - which span across more that we have in common than any differences we have. Love and respect each other for our differences.

A community is made up of all of us. Each of us being different. Celebrate our differences. Embrace each other for the unity we share in our common mission.

Join US!

This presence on Substack is our vehicle to keep each other informed and up-to-date. Subscribe and we go together - we go together because we have the power and authority together.

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The Permanent Occupation of Democracy


We have the power and we have the authority. We are the democratic majority. We are the 99%. And we are here to stay. Permanently. Join your neighbors and let's change absolutely everything. Join us at the99occupy.org